Wednesday, September 4, 2013

YOUR FIRST READING ASSIGNMENT DUE NEXT THURSDAY, September 12th - read all SEVEN ARTICLES of the U.S. Constitution. (It's short - only about 15-18 pages) And yes, even if you read it last year, you must read it again - there will be questions asked about what you read.
EVERY American citizen should own their own copy of the CONSTITUTION.
AND EVERY student in my class MUST have one, yes even…..YOU!!!

So your first assignment is simple. Order at least one. I recommend you order two (a printed copy and a digital copy).

[1] ORDER a FREE PRINTED COPY. It will only cost you $0.65 postage
[and please let me know if you do not have $0.65 - do not let that stop you from ordering your own copy]

Go to

Locate on the page where it says "Get your FREE Pocket Constitution". Follow the instructions and order your own copy.
By the end of the year, you are REQUIRED to have read the entire Constitution at least once - you may even sign the pledge on the back of the copy that will be sent to you (optional).

FOLKS you can also purchase a cheap U.S. Constitution at most department stores (I know Fred Myers and ShopKO have copies). OR you may download a free copy online and print one out, if you prefer.

[2] ORDER a FREE DIGITAL COPY. You will need to determine what technology you are using then download what works best on your machine. Here are a few options:

If any of these do not work on your particular technology, Google "Free Constitution" and add your technology to the search field.

If you do NOT have a smart phone, e-reader, tablet or other technology device, you are not required to download a free digital copy.

DUE DATE: Monday, September 16th - NO you do not need to have a copy, if you ordered it online, but you must indicate that you have sent off for your own copy. Just provide me a note from your parents indicating you have ordered a copy or have one on the way.

[Click the image for a high resolution .jpg of the first page]

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