Saturday, April 12, 2014

This week will be the Smarter-Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) testing for LANGUAGE ARTS. So Monday and Wednesday will be regular days - Tuesday and Thursday will be a bit mixed up....but you will survive and do just great!


SUBJECT: The Cold War (CONTINUED) 1945-1963

"We walked to the brink and we looked it in the face..."

John Foster Dulles
Secretary of State

The practice of pushing a diplomatic situation to the very "brink" of disaster (even war) to force your opponent to agree to your position or belief.
Dangerous? Maybe.

But it worked.

The Cold War was a dangerous time - and yet a time of great achievement (landing on the moon, for instance), in technology (telecommunications, electronics, power, even the computer), as well as prosperity (during the Reagan years). We will continue our discussion on the Cold War era and the events that corresponded.

Count on a QUIZ this week!
REMEMBER to go over your notes 3-5 minutes daily...

YUP!...first and last name as well as the dates of their administration... 

DUE next Monday (April 21st):

DEADLINE: due next MONDAY! (April 21st)

Stay aware of your world! 
ONE CURRENTS entry is due this week.

DUE: we will do this in class on Thursday  


CURRENTS now have a real purpose - you will not only be DEBATING a topic drawn from the class CURRENTS assignments, but also producing a table team INFOGRAPHIC, to help you research and prepare for your debates.
The INFOGRAPHIC will be due on May Day (May 1).

FOR THIS WEEK - thesis statement and outline - Due Thursday, April 17

The DEBATE schedule will be in the month of May toward the end of the year.

Click here for the assignment sheet and rubric.


DUE: Thursday, May 15

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